Henning Sperr


Full Stack Data Scientist

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Tech stack

Work Projects

Senior Research Engineer at Zalando (~15.000 employees), Berlin, Germany Since Jun 2018

Fraud detection and prevention

Data Scientist/Head of Data at PAIDY (~20 employees), Tokyo, Japan Aug 2015 - Mar 2018

Online payment credit scoring and fraud prevention

Data Scientist at Rakuten (~10.000 employees), Tokyo, Japan Oct 2013 - Aug 2015

Product Targeting and Recommendation

Research Assistant at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Aug 2011 - Jun 2013

Working in Cognitive Sciences and Semantic Knowledge Management


Halite III - Deep Reinforcement Learning

A series on how to implement deep reinforcement learning on non openAI gym examples. We have to write everything from scratch and come up with our own rewards and state representations.

Youtube Series


We implement a simple game from scratch and implement minmax/MC tree search and eventually want to implement AlphaGo style algorithm to play the game.

Youtube Series


While in Univeristy a friend challenged me to write a chess engine in C. So here it is, while the code is not the cleanest its a fully functioning chess engine that will beat the average chess player.


A wrapper around python datetime to have convenience methods similar to javas Joda time. For what I needed it, it works but I would not recommend using it. I should have wrapped this around pyarrow or in general just not touch datetime libraries. I know it has some bugs depending on your usecase.

Japanese Meanings

A simple Anki plugin which will insert the english meanings and katakana spelling for kanji inserted into Anki. This makes it a lot easier to insert many words at once.

Kaggle Kernel

I don’t kaggle much, but one competition I entered and participated in the community I contributed a kernel that helped many people ensembling models and netted me being featured on the kaggle blog.

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